My cheeks just forced me into a FaceTime call with my boyfriend


I’ve been way too scared to dye my hair. I always get so scared, thinking things like oh my god what if my hair falls out! Even though I’ve done all sorts with my hair, I’ve even bleached it and all was fine. But yet I get scared.

I guess my anxiety has been pretty bad this week.

Probably because I’m going away next week and it’s like oh my god what if we miss the plane or what if the hotel runs out of rooms!! I’ve had all these crazy dreams about things going wrong. These dreams include being forced to share showers with strangers!. It’s just one big panic, especially because I was supposed to have my deposit back for my old house three weeks ago! And there’s still no sign of it. Kind of rude really, that was my spending money!

Even though my anxiety is messing with my head, I’m definitely really excited to go. I love getting away from this place. I look forward to staying over my boyfriends just so I’m away from here, and to see him of course. He may read this so I best include that…

Seriously though this place is crazy, there was a riot outside my bedroom a few weeks ago! I woke up hearing shouting and there were flashing blue lights and I was just like what the hell. That’s a normal night here though. I was in school with two murderers, and spent most of my childhood running away from a gang called The Bong Heads. They used to steal our bikes if we left them outside our gardens. Some people’s idea of fun when i was growing up was to see how many times they could get punched in the stomach before feeling sick. They really should have done some research because that’s how Houdini died. Appendix related stomach punching. Oh there was also a dog that chased us and tried to hump us, seriously. He never managed to get me, thank god. I saw how traumatizing that looked. It wasn’t a small dog. Our parents would laugh when we told them and say “no he’s just jumping up, trying to play”. They never witnessed the overly horny dog.

I’ve only managed to move like five train stations away. I have no idea how many miles that is, 10 maybe. But there’s no riots outside my window! Just the odd chopping up of bodies.

Maybe I need to move a few more train stops more? Probably.


Why aren’t phone calls enough these days? I sound so old there but yeah, I HATE FACETIME! (I also hate my iPhone). I want to talk to my boyfriend, make him laugh, talk about our days and such. Not worry about what I look like whilst trying to do those things. And if I hold the phone too low there it is, double chin.

He’s been trying to get me to FaceTime him for a while and I refuse because 99.9999% of the time I look like shit. Like right now, no make- up and my hair is all messy and not in that cool, messy hair kind of way, the, I look like I’ve been doing heroin* kind of way. The only thing I have going for me right now is my Jurassic World pyjamas. Who doesn’t like dinosaurs?!

Last night I looked A LOT worse though. I have really bad hayfever and I’d been rubbing my eyes all day. So I definitely looked as though I’d been doing some sort of drug or id been crying my eyes out for three days. He rang me at around 12am so I was insanely tired too. I noticed that my screen wasn’t locking. The backlight goes off on the iPhone when the phone is by your ear, so you know you don’t accidentally hit the in call options whilst you’re chatting away. But nope. I hit the FaceTime button and then didn’t know how to stop it and I didn’t want to hang up because that’s kind of mean and I didn’t throw the phone on the floor because that’s bad for its health. Now I’m the type of person who panics when this shit happens. So this was no fun at all!

Dan, my boyfriend, asked “how did you manage to hit FaceTime?”
me – “My cheeks made me!”

You should have seen his face, it was a mix between my girlfriends an idiot and my girlfriend is adorable. I can guess the last one because he loves my cheeks; I hate them, they’re chubby. He likes the chub though, so that makes me feel better. Do not tell him that. The amount of grief I give him for liking my face is unreal, poor guy.

For that entire FaceTime conversation my face was half covered with the duvet. It seemed to go on for ages, it was only fifteen minutes. My face was really warm.

So yeah, this post summed up… I need to dye my hair, there’s a chance I may die living where I live, there’s a reason dogs make me uneasy and my cheeks forced me into a FaceTime conversation.

________________________________________________________*I don’t know why heroin makes your hair messy.

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